Schedule your greeting cards in advance, receive them at the perfect time, and keep your relationships strong with personalized, handwritten messages.
Set it and forget it. We'll automatically make sure cards are delivered to you on time.
All of our cards are printed in the USA and shipped in flat mailers to your door.
Cards are printed on high quality 110# Matte Cover FSC-certified paper, and a matching envelope is always included.
Subscribe to our calendar feed to see reminders on your calendar for all of the special occasions in your life.
"Cardkeeper has saved me from forgetting important birthdays. It's a game-changer!"
Sarah M.
"I love how I can maintain personal connections in this digital age."
Michael R.
"The perfect solution for busy professionals who care about relationships."
Emily T.
Join thousands of thoughtful people who use Cardkeeper to maintain meaningful connections.
Get Started FreeNo credit card required until you're ready to send your cards.